Facility Resources
The use of infectious disease organisms in a screen increases the probability that chemical hits identified during a screen will retain efficacy and specificity when used in subsequent biologically relevant studies. The BSL-2 laboratory facilities enable cultivation and screening of pathogenic bacterial and fungal strains, as well as mammalian cells, development and optimization of in vitro biochemical and cell based assays, (bacterial, fungal, algal, mammalian) and also provides compound collections for assay validation and screening.
The IDAD laboratory has a collection of 41,167 compounds, obtained from the following sources:
Compounds Sources
A collection of 4196 compounds, purified (>85%) compounds isolated from plants (MEGxp) and microorganisms (MEGxm).(NIGMS Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease grant P20GM113117 03)
A collection of 12,139 organic molecules that mimic the activity of peptides, a relatively unexplored area with a high potential of obtaining hits.(NIGMS Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease grant P20GM113117 03)
A collection of 19,528 scaffolds identified from the 3D clustered biologically annotated chemical space (NIGMS Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease grant P20GM113117 03).
A collection of novel 9,500 soluble drug-like compounds that are focused against various biological targets. The diverse set of compounds were selected for improved physico-chemical properties like solubility (log SW> -2.0) and drug-like properties. (NIGMS Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease grant P20GM113117 03).